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Milford Alive! 2020 Cancelled

Updated: May 31, 2020

Unfortunately, we must cancel MILFORD ALIVE! 2020 due to COVID-19.

Our primary reasons for the MILFORD ALIVE! 2020 cancellation are:

  1. Lack of funds: We rely on most of the small businesses in the area for our sponsorships, but many are closed or running at a diminished capacity, and will likely be unable to sponsor.

  2. The unknown future status of allowed crowd size, and the likely continued necessity to social distance: There is no effective way to social distance at a event of this size.

  3. It is impractical to plan and organize such and event with only the *hope* that we would be allowed to have the event.

For all of these reasons, we needed to cancel Milford Alive! 2020.  We certainly hope to be back, and better than ever, in 2021!


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