The Milford Bed Race
Starting at 2 PM during Milford Alive!
Bed Race Rules
Beds must be a minimum of 3' wide by 6' in length.
Beds must have at least 4 wheels.
Wheel size and width are not regulated, but all mechanical and motorized assistance is strictly prohibited.
Each bed must be pushed by 3 people, with one person riding in the bed.
During the race, the bed must maintain the specified course of approximately 600 feet. Beds not completing the full distance will be disqualified.
Beds will be judged on speed, originality, and humor. Judges will have the option of awarding additional prizes for exceptional efforts.
By entering the race, all contestants agree that the decisions of the judges are final.
This is the Milford Bed Race, so the entries should look like beds. At the minimum, a headboard and/or mattress are required.
People ages 12 and over may ride in the bed.